We are NSW’s independent police oversight body
We review and monitor the way misconduct allegations about the NSW Police and NSW Crime Commission are handled.
We investigate allegations of serious misconduct.
We identify systemic issues that could contribute to misconduct, unlawful actions and unreasonable practices so they can be prevented.

If you have a complaint about the NSW police, you can come to us.
We oversee and monitor the way complaints about police are handled. If you have concerns or complaints about police, we are here to assist you.
Watch our video to learn more or click here to watch with translations.
We review the way police investigate complaints about the NSW Police Force to ensure misconduct matters are dealt with appropriately. We also independently investigate the most serious misconduct matters.
What we do

We deal with complaints and misconduct information.

We publish investigation reports and research about misconduct and maladministration issues.

Learn about what the LECC can and cannot do, and if not, who can.

Explore recent highlights of work from our complaints assessments and investigations functions.
What is a critical incident
A critical incident is an incident involving a NSW police officer that results in the death or serious injury of a person.
Watch our video here to learn more or click here to watch with translations.
By monitoring critical incident investigations, we can make sure that the police investigation is competent, thorough and objective. We hope that this provides some comfort to the family of the person who has died or was injured, and to the public.
Recent highlights of our work
A report on the Commission's review of the NSW Police Force's use of Advice and Guidance to respond to police conduct and performance issues.
A review of the NSW Police Force's compliance with the legal requirements under Parts 2A and 3 of the Terrorism (Police Powers) Act 2002 (NSW), and the policies and procedures in place to exercise the powers properly.
On 31 October 2024, the LECC published our Annual Report. Click here to read more about what we did in the last financial year.
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