LECC Data Hub
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Critical incident investigations monitored by the LECC
The NSW Police are responsible for the investigation of critical incidents. We monitor the Police investigation of all critical incidents.
Interact with the critical incident monitoring data below by:
- zooming in or out on the map to look at critical incidents by location
- clicking on specific years to see critical incidents over time
- tapping on policing regions (on the left which are colour coded) to find critical incidents in particular areas.
Click here to open the PowerBi Report below in a new window.
What we've done
The below infographics highlight the work of the Commission’s complaint assessment function, and review of NSW Police complaint investigations function for the 2022/23 financial year.
Assessment Snapshots 2022-23

Complaints assessed
1,599 direct to LECC,
2,451 NSWPF complaints,
653 Triage review.
Average 38 days to process

Request for information from NSWPF
(up 109%)

Recommendations to NSWPF - s131(4)
(up 84%)
Common issues
- Fail to comply with LEPRA search
- Fail to comply with BWV SOPs
- Fail to comply with custody SOPs
Requirement to investigate - s99(3)
(up 50%)
17 finalised (at 5/10/23)
7 resulted in sustained findings
Outcomes 99(3)
10 officers, with a total of 15 sustained findings, including:
- 3 Commander Warning Notices
- 1 conduct management plan
- 1 referral to the IRP
Complaint Issues
- Use of force
- Fail to comply with Taser SOPs
- Fail to create records, Inadequate investigation (DV)

391 hrs
Videos received
102 videos per month,
33 hrs per month,
26 days to receive

Phone calls

Additional correspondence
Oversight investigation snapshots 2022-23

Investigations oversighted

Requests for information (s102)
(up 85%)

Requests for review of action (s105)
(up 67%)
- 2 resulted in new sustained outcomes against 2 officers
- 1 still under review (at 22/8/23)
Requests for further investigation (s104)
(up 310%)
29 finalised (at 22/8/23)
Investigated: 11
- 6 resulted in new sustained outcomes
- 11 findings against 5 officers
Not investigated: 20
- 5 resulted in new sustained outcomes,
- 6 findings against 6 officers

Mandatory referrals to Internal Review Panel
Referred after LECC intervention

Management action following LECC notices
- Section 181D Police Act dismissal
- Assistant Commissioner Warning Notices
- Commander's Warning Notice
- Conduct Management Plans
- Advice and Guidance
- Education and training

Outcomes following LECC actions
- 22 new sustained findings
- 15 against officers
Can we help?
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