Critical incident investigations monitored by the LECC
The LECC monitors the investigation of all critical incidents declared by the NSW Police from the time of that notification. This includes full access to the investigation material.
At the conclusion of every critical incident investigation, the NSW Police are required to provide a copy of the final report to the LECC. Following receipt of that report the Commission is required to provide advice that:
- it considers the investigation was fully and properly conducted; or
- detail concerns if it considers any aspect of the investigation was inappropriate.
Where LECC ceases to monitor a critical incident investigation before that investigation has been finalised, it will provide advice at the time we stop monitoring the investigation. We are likely to do this when the death and/or serious injury does not appear to be related to what the police officers did.
Critical incidents investigations take a long time to be finalised because police wait for associated criminal and coronial proceedings to be finalised and this can take a number of years.